Keep Anchorage Beige

BEIGE /bāZH/noun: a pale sandy yellowish brown color

Synonyms: fawn, buff, khaki, biscuit, sand, café au lait, ecru, taupe

The unofficial, Official Color* of Anchorage, Alaska that is often caught red-handed playing with it's BFF + trusted side-kick - some version of a faded maroon. It is ubiquitous + one of our common denominators. Stay safe. Stay beige.

*color (noun): “the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way an object reflects or emits light” Google Dictionary

“Courage is knowing what not to fear.” Plato

Alaska Public Radio State of Art Interview Design Week 2019

Anchorage Design Week 2018 Pecha Kucha

Keep Anchorage Beige Instagram